Deodorize FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – Disinfect and Deodorize

Does activated oxygen kill viruses like the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) coronavirus?

Since viruses are not living organisms (because they have no metabolism), it is incorrect to say that activated oxygen will “kill” viruses. What activated oxygen actually does is to “inactivate” viruses through the process of oxidation. When a virus is inactivated, it can no longer do harm to living organisms or to replicate itself inside a host organism.

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What is activated oxygen?

Activated oxygen (also known as O3) is a colorless gas that has powerful oxidizing properties, formed from oxygen by electrical discharges or ultraviolet light. It differs from normal oxygen (O2) in having three oxygen atoms in its oxygen molecule (O3). Activated Oxygen is created in nature by a lightning storm, sunlight, or artificially with an activated oxygen (O3) generator.

Is activated oxygen harmful to humans or animals?

Activated oxygen is a respiratory irritant and is only potentially harmful if inhaled while it is being artificially generated in an enclosed space, like a house or car. When we treat an area with activated oxygen, we make sure that the area is free of the three P’s (People, Pets, Plants) while the activated oxygen generator is operating. After an area is treated with activated oxygen, it takes around 60 minutes for the activated oxygen (O3) to change back into normal oxygen (O2), which is harmless. Also, activated oxygen turns liquids to H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) which has a bleaching effect. For instance, carpets should be completely dry before performing an activated oxygen treatment in any specific treatment area (car, house, RV). Also, activated oxygen can potentially have a damaging effect on natural rubber (unlike synthetic rubber which is made from petroleum).

Is activated oxygen (O3) harmful to our air and environment?

No. Activated oxygen is not an environmental pollutant by itself. Naturally made activated oxygen is created by a photochemical chain reaction (like sunlight or a lightning storm) that attaches itself and breaks down harmful man-made pollutants (like carbon-monoxide from vehicles) in our cities. High activated oxygen (O3) concentrations in our air are just an indicator of the presence of a high level of man-made pollutants in the air. Without the presence of activated oxygen (O3) in our earth’s atmosphere and at ground level, humans and animals would be breathing in noxious and extremely harmful pollutants directly into our lungs. These harmful pollutants (like carbon monoxide) would eventually kill us because there would be nothing to attach to the potentially toxic pollutants and break them down to where they are much less harmful to living organisms. Activated Oxygen actually functions more like natures air purifier.

How does activated oxygen work to destroy odors?

Activated oxygen will permanently eliminate odors, but it will not eliminate the source of the odors. For instance, if a house has pet urine embedded inside of the carpets, the urine must first be removed (carpets professionally cleaned) for the activated oxygen to work. Activated oxygen reacts with odor molecules by transferring the “extra” oxygen atom of the activated oxygen molecule to the odor molecule, changing the odor’s composition so it no longer has the same chemical makeup. This chemical reaction is called oxidation. In a nutshell, through the oxidation process, what was formerly an odor-causing molecule is now an entirely different compound and, therefore, does not possess the odor it did before. A simple example of this molecular restructuring is the addition of a third oxygen atom to a molecule of H2O (water) to form H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide).

How does activated oxygen kill things like mold, germs, bacteria, and fungi?

Activated oxygen disinfects and deodorizes by the process of oxidation. Because of its high oxidation potential, activated oxygen oxidizes cell components of the bacterial cell wall and penetrates the cell wall. Once activated oxygen has entered the cell, it oxidizes all essential components (enzymes, proteins, DNA, RNA). When the cellular membrane is damaged during this process, the cell will fall apart.

What are the benefits of activated oxygen treatment over spraying chemical disinfectants or using disinfecting wipes?

Chemical disinfectants are liquids when activated oxygen is a gas, therefore activated oxygen leaves absolutely no potentially harmful or toxic chemical fumes, residue, or liquids that need to dry after treatment. Being a gas, activated oxygen treats all the places that liquids and sprays cannot. Anything exposed to the ambient air within the treatment area will be exposed to and treated by the activated oxygen (O3). For instance, electrostatic sprays only treat areas/surfaces that are contacted by the spray and do not treat the ambient air.

How long does a typical activated oxygen treatment take?

That depends on the size of the area to be treated. We use the most powerful portable activated oxygen generators on the market, so our units can treat an area with a light odor issue of 325 total square feet (the average size of a hotel room) in roughly 30 minutes and an additional 60 minutes to allow for the activated oxygen to dissipate back to oxygen (O2). A strong odor (like cigarette smoke) will take a longer treatment time.

Does activated oxygen eliminate things like dust, pollen, and other allergens?

No. Allergens like dust and pollen must be removed from an area before it is treated with activated oxygen. The most typical place these allergens would reside in a building would be in the air ducts. Having home or building air ducts  professionally cleaned (if they’re dirty) before an activated oxygen treatment is performed is highly recommended.

Do air purifiers do the same thing that activated oxygen can?

No. Air purifiers only pull ambient air through a filter in the purifier, but will not kill things like bacteria, fungi, or mold on surfaces, it won’t permanently eliminate odors, and it will not inactivate viruses like activated oxygen can. Air purifiers are just an electric fan and an air filter. Activated oxygen treats anything and everything exposed to the ambient air inside a treatment area.

Is activated oxygen (O3) another name for “smog”?

No. Activated oxygen (O3) is an ingredient of smog, but it’s incorrect to use the two terms interchangeably. It would be like saying that liquid chlorine bleach is the same thing as pure water (H2O). Water is an ingredient in liquid chlorine bleach, but they are obviously not the same thing. Just like water is not the toxic ingredient of liquid bleach, activated oxygen (O3) is not the toxic ingredient of smog; it’s actually the air purifying ingredient that makes pollutants less harmful to living organisms.

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